When Less is More
Do you ever wonder how many people you “see” every day? Between work, social outings and the friends and family that you spend parts of your day with, add the countless faces looking back at you from your social media feeds. The number is surely in the upper 100s!
Photo courtesy of Nixon Studios.
Perhaps that is one of the major factors in why smaller, intimate weddings are on the rise nationwide! Are we beginning to realize that, with the unlimited access we have to people every day, a wedding should be a special celebration with just our nearest and dearest there to share it and the rest of the world can “see” it later?
Photo courtesy of Nixon Studios.
It seems so as we are hearing from more and more couples who are opting for wedding celebrations with less than 100 guests. Or even sweet elopement packages where the ceremony is witnessed by just a handful of people - if any! - and then a small reception follows.
There are undeniable benefits to a smaller wedding event!
· Fewer guests means fewer costs. And this doesn’t mean you’re being skimpy – just the opposite! Having fewer people allows more room in the budget for upscale choices with your venue, menu, your décor and even your wedding favors.
· Having less people to hug, shake and chat with gives the couple a more relaxed feeling and they are able to spend time with their guests in a way that just isn’t possible with large crowds.
· Who needs a long engagement to plan a special boutique wedding event for 75 people? Less envelopes to address, less hotel rooms to block, etc.
Photo courtesy of Nixon Studios.
As you begin to work on your wedding plans you might decide that you’ve always wanted a huge wedding event with everyone you know in attendance. And that can absolutely be a dream come true for many couples! However, we also invite you to consider the smaller wedding movement that’s underway and think about how the idea of having an intimate wedding day makes you feel! And if you want some feedback, you can always post it as a question on your Facebook page and see what your 978 “friends” have to say about it!
Photo courtesy of Nixon Studios.
To learn more about wedding and event packages of ALL sizes, give us a shout at sales@reynoldabarn.com and be sure to find inspiration on our Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest pages!